Covid-19 reshapes economic priorities

The global coronavirus pandemic has taken countries in the region from a position of growth planning to one of survival and austerity
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As the first phase of the global Covid-19 crisis passes, MEED takes stock of the economic health of the region and points of note for the Middle East and North Africa country markets.
By each country name is the country’s score according to the MEED Covid-19 Recovery Index, which assesses 10 factors to provide a weighted index of a country’s economic recovery potential.
The positive indicators, representing stronger recovery potential, are higher wealth, ease of doing business, stimulus measures, larger project pipelines, larger populations and better health systems. Negative indicators are higher debt-to-GDP ratios, unemployment, oil dependence and political risk, which translate into weaker stimulus and recovery potential.
Much could still change, and there could still be a second wave of infections, but as it stands, the region is gearing back up.