Infographic: Construction vision 2071

Depicting the construction worksite of the future
Improving efficiency in the way major projects are delivered will make a huge contribution to the economic development of the region, not only by leading the drive for greater productivity but also by developing skills and protecting the environment.
Integral to improved efficiency is the adoption of technologies such as drones, 3D printing, blockchain and autonomous equipment. Technological innovations such as these have the potential to transform the sector, driving ever-higher levels of productivity and efficiency.
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Construction companies are ready and willing to adopt the latest technologies, but many barriers to innovation exist. However, even where obstacles linger in the form of regulations and standardisation, many leading companies are trialling technology solutions.
With support from government and partnerships with academia, startups and research centres, the construction sector can be enabled to make effective use of the available technology solutions.
This infographic was produced in partnership with Mashreq, based on recommendations from the UAE Construction Industry Think Tank.