Lessons from Covid-19 – Mashreq JLL MEED Healthcare Partnership Newsletter – July 2021
15 July, 2021 | By Alina Apostu
The Mashreq JLL MEED Healthcare Partnership is a knowledge-sharing initiative that aims to provide a platform for senior healthcare industry executives to discuss and address the challenges facing one of the fastest growing sectors in the Middle East.
This newsletter provides you access to the last six months of industry-led insights from our research, connect series and snippets developed to support the industry.
Mashreq, in partnership with JLL, has launched the first healthcare white paper in a series that that examines the resilience of regional healthcare systems and the way ahead for the sector.
Lessons from Covid-19 identifies the control measures taken across the Middle East to prevent the spread of the virus, while also reviewing how the pandemic prompted greater innovation and collaboration in the healthcare space.

It is more than a year and a half since the Covid-19 virus first emerged. Latest partnership webinar discusses how the UAE’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic can accelerate the development of healthcare in the GCC.

Increasing Need for Extended Healthcare Services in the UAE
Extended healthcare services are increasingly becoming a critical part of the continuum of care for patients.
Recent M&A Activity in the Healthcare Sector in GCC
In last few years, the GCC has witnessed significant growth in the healthcare sector including higher merger and acquisition (M&A) activity with the UAE …
Mobile health applications in the UAE
The UAE has scaled up use of mobile health applications due to its relatively modern infrastructure, government initiatives, increased investment and agility of healthcare system.
The Rising Importance of Revenue Cycle Management in Dubai
The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has been working to make the payment process simpler for hospitals and insurance companies
15 July, 2021 | .By Alina Apostu